Wednesday 10 March 2010


So most chairs that are used for sitting at desks or at conferences etc have a flat base, so I was thinking of changing the angle of the base all in attempt to make slouching difficult. As an experiment I will use these wedges for a day each and keep a record of how I am feeling, whether they make it easier to sit up straight or cause more pain to the lower back.

The wedge bellow makes the user work to keep them up straight. It gives the user a greater angle between the torso and the legs, this position encourages good posture in the short term, but I feel it might be too much to ask of the everyday user. Through my research it was apparent that having core strength is a valuable thing to have as it helps hold all of the muscles and lumbar spine in place, but without a reasonable amount of core strength I wonder whether this position would cause more discomfort.

The second wedge is the same shape but spun around 180 degrees. By using the angle in this direction and bringing the users legs up to their chest slightly, it works by forcing the user back into the base of the seat. This idea again is trying to stop the users from slouching forward and this does make it harder to do. By doing this the back of the chair must have a very supportive back rest.

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