By asking this question I wanted to find out what people think of their working environment, how they feel while they are at work and if there are anything that help then through the day.
After looking through the results there were a few images that were common between the subjects. Under mood they felt both happiness and some sort of downer. This was understandable as feelings while at work do change day to day, but as they experienced both up and down feelings it was apparent that they are not depressed at work, this being a good thing as depression can lead to back pain.
Under aids everyone put the card that shows healthy food, if I was to attempt this again I would also make a card with sugary snacks and crisps on it, as to see what kind of food gets them through the day.
Under environment it varied through different jobs, the two main themes though that came through were professional and relaxed. Differences in working environment can have a serious impact on how an individual feels and acts. It is key to find a happy medium as if stress affects an individual to much then this to can lead to chronic back pain.
Finally the seating in the workplace, the main one hat popped up more than once was the stacked seating. These stacked seating in a workplace where someone is seated foe a prolonged period of time is not healthy. These types of seats do not provide the correct support to the back.
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