By asking this question I wanted to find out how people enjoy their relaxation period, as from the ‘divanio slouch’ many people when the relax sit if a very back position that can affect the back.
As before ill start with looking at the mood of the subjects. On the whole most of the subjects are in a happy spirit of mind which is good as there should be no worries when someone is relaxing. They also use the comfort, relax, and chill out cards. This is as I expected as when someone is relaxing it is their time, time to themselves.
The aids people used in this section were fitness and food. It was good to see people putting this card under relaxation as a good level of fitness is very important to the back. It goes back to the core muscles groups that help hold the lower spine in place.
Again under environment I did expect people to use the relaxation and chill out cards, but they also used the environmental card which I was unsure when this would be used. This again is good to see as it shows that people want to go outdoors when they are relaxing.
The seating section was one that again I was expecting all the large sofas to be put into and like I thought were. This shows that people are more concerned with comfort and relaxing than their posture or back. One subject however put the Swiss ball under seating which I was very surprised about. This shows that for some people they are very concerned about their body and fitness.
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