Setting up a green office has less to do with buying high tech ergonomic equipment, and more with using what you already have correctly. Buying less office equipment, means less chance for your old stuff ending up in the landfill somewhere, and quite frankly, no matter what you currently have, it is probably a lot more functional than you may realize. Sometimes the best way to reuse old office equipment, is to have never thrown it away in the first place.
Science and technology has caught up enough with consumer demand to give us the chance to build upon our own ergonomic needs, even if companies and organizations seldom provide such equipment on their own accord. There are many ways to improve comfort levels in the office environment and curb the possibility of office related injuries, such as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) and Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI).
Many offices run under the delusion that by purchasing new “ergonomic” office equipment, they can find an easy solution to such problems. In reality, the problem does not necessarily lie in the hands of the products themselves as much as it does in their proper use. But before you can battle any office related injury you must first know what it is exactly what you are dealing with.
Safecomputingtips.com is a great source for learning about potential symptoms of poor office ergonomics and how to find relief for both CTS and RSI. For CTS, which is basically a pinched and inflamed nerve in the hand, there are a number of symptoms you should be on the lookout for:
-Pain and/or numbness of hand
-Tingling sensation in fingers, wrist and hand
-Poor circulation (cold hands)
-Weak grip causing frequent dropping of objects
RSI is very similar to CTS, but also includes other various strains and injuries of the upper limbs, overall musculoskeletal system and eyes. These are all related to particular repetitive motions that are very common in the office environment where long, unbroken periods of work are common. These are the symptoms to watch for with RSI:
-Constant pain in either the elbows, shoulders, neck and/or back
-Pain in the upper limbs and shoulders
To combat these situations it becomes necessary to keep your hand and wrist level with each other. This means that your keyboard and mouse should be as close to your lap as possible with your forearms parallel to the floor and your upper arms hanging comfortably to your side. You also need to be seated comfortably with your back and upper limbs properly supported throughout the chair.
A "green ergonomic office" can refer to several different things. Today, we are looking at salvaging and reusing your current office equipment, rather than purchasing a whole new set. You may think that new and improved "ergonomic" stuff will vastly improve your office performance and comfort, when in truth, it may not be as much improved as you think.
Voodoo Ergonomics
Tony Biafore of Ergonetics has been in the ergonomic business for 25 years, plus currently contracts with the U.S. Department of Labor to help with their in-houseergonomics program. Tony tells us, “There is no such thing as an ergonomic product—it is all in how you use things.”
In other words, a new ergonomic computer mouse used in the same bad position will leave you no better off than the old mouse you’d been using. This is what Tony considers to be the very common misconception of what he likes to call “voodoo ergonomics.” VE is the belief that a product alone can be a fix-all for such office related ailments. Good quality office products can be valuable tools, but you must also know how to use them properly in order to gain the full benefit from them.
Tony doesn’t understand why there isn’t more involvement of business office curriculum to ensure that employees are using their office equipment correctly. Especially when you consider that adjusting the operating position of your computer mouse and seating posture will always prove less expensive and easier on the environment than trips to the doctor, insurance payments, surgeries, and countless new product purchases.
Uncle Charlie Factor
Even if you are not currently suffering from these symptoms, it is good practice to give yourself a heads-up and try to avoid any problems in the future. This is what Tony considers to be the “Uncle Charlie Factor.” As Tony explained, some Uncle Charlie’s can live for 99 years smoking and drinking and never have a problem. While other Uncle Charlie’s are not as lucky and suffer a whirlwind of complications from such abuse.
You never know which type you will fall under, so it pays to sometimes take the safe route and follow the proper office equipment guidelines. You can look at the proper use of such office equipment on OSHA’s website. It is amazing the difference that a couple inches can make when it comes to proper positioning and your comfort.
The Cure Lies in your Own Actions
Like many technology coerced illnesses today, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) andRepetitive Strain Injury (RSI) are caused mostly by our own ignorance and lack of information. These ailments can be dealt with safely and effectively if you take a look around your office and make the necessary adjustments to give your body the daily support it needs to make it through a typical eight hour day.
Don't fall into the trap of reading about the newest and greatest office product, when the office equipment you currently own is probably more than adequate as long as you are using them correctly and effectively. Health is our most valuable asset and when the choice is put into your own hands. I hope you choose to take your health seriously and make the move towards a healthier, happier, and more comfortable you.
(passage taken from http://www.treehugger.com/files/2008/11/green-ergonomics.php)
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