Thursday 5 November 2009

Can an individual’s physical characteristics initiate back pain?

As I have said before the physical condition of a person can affect whether they begin to suffer from back pain. There are many factors which can contribute to the levels of back pain that an individual suffers from. Build, weight, and height have different affects of a person’s back. Being overweight has an increased risk of having back problems. Generally people who are overweight do not pay much attention to their physical appearance, hence have a lack of core strength. So what do we mean by ‘core strength’ and why is it important?

Core strength refers to the muscles deep within the abs and the back, these muscles are where our movement begins, whether it be lifting up a bag or running. So what has core strength got to do with reducing the risk of back problems?

“the abs and back work together to support the spine when we sit, stand, bend over, pick things up, exercise and more. The torso is the body's centre of power, so the stronger you are in that area, the easier your life will be.”

So with improving your core strength with strengthening the abs and back muscles, these muscles will hold the spine in place with also making it easier to keep the correct posture.

So it is true, an individual’s physical characteristics can initiate and prevent back pain from becoming a problem.

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