To me climate change can be more than the obvious. Pollution is the first thing that comes to mind, factories pumping fumes into the atmosphere, as well as that, cars producing high levels of co2 emissions. These are just two small examples, but they are leading to changes in the environment. Changes like drought and flooding in paces never known to be affected by these issues before. Things are being done; these issues are not going unnoticed. Cars for example are becoming more and more eco friendly, producing less and less co2 gases, with also hybrid cars starting to make an impact.
Storage is a word that’s meaning can be used across the board. We create storage space to store objects and positions, memories and thoughts, food and water. Storage has endless examples.
Storage of intangible objects
· Memory
· Thoughts
· Music
· Video
· Pictures
· Documents
· Time
The list could go on. The introduction to digital media devices have transformed the way be use and create information, with these digital devices becoming smaller and lighter. On a greater scale can these digital devices help the changing environment?
Storage of tangible objects
· Water
· Food
· Cars
· Money
· Books
As for the intangible objects the list is endless with tangible objects. Can we use any of these storage methods to help us in a time of need? Could we use the concept of an egg holding a unborn chick for something else?

In the design process there are many processes and steps to take before the final stage is reached. To help in the manufacturing stage there are many elements which should be incorporated into the design, "Efficiency" being the key. Especially with the economical situation we are in at the moment, efficient design as ever more needed.
The use of virtual prototyping is a great way to simulate what the final product will look like, before any real modelling has been started. There are no material costs and no machining costs. As I was talking above about digital devises, this may be the way that “digital” can help us in the changing climate.
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